Journal Papers
Submissions are due by October 1, 2023.
Journal papers provide authors with an opportunity to articulate their research, inquiries, ideas, practices, philosophies, views, work, artistic endeavors, successes and failures on topics related to the theme of the conference as expressed in the Call for Papers & Contributions.
Paper Submission
Journal paper submissions are due by October 1, 2023, for the 2024 Conference for Global Transformation. Submit your paper by opening and filling out the online submission form and attaching your paper. Access the online form by using the link found at the bottom of this page.
Submissions must be completed drafts of original work — outlines, abstracts or proposals will not be accepted. Submitted papers are reviewed by an editorial committee and notification of decisions will be made by November 18, 2023.
A worksheet that contains the guidelines and all the information required to complete the online submission form can be opened and downloaded from the file menu using the link below.
Formatting Requirements
Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word (in .docx format) with the language format set to US English, the line spacing set to single (1.0) spacing with extra spacing before and after paragraphs removed, and with the font size set to 12 points. This is required to assist the editor in reading and reviewing the paper with ease and in using the “track changes” function if needed. Submissions longer than 5,000 words in length will not be accepted or reviewed.
If using tables or figures, refer to them in the body of the text as Table 1 or Figure 1 and number these items sequentially. Place them at the end of your document. These will be placed as close to the relevant text as possible when the layout is done. Please submit drawings and pictures as separate JPEG or PNG files and not embedded into the document. The preferred font and font size for submission is 12pt Calibri, but this is not required.
Landmark jargon and references to particular seminars, experiences or people should be explained or referenced as an endnote. Use the endnote function, not the footnote function, if necessary. Write for a general audience who may not have participated in any Landmark programs.
Start with the article title as it will appear in the journal, followed by your name as it will appear in the journal, followed by an abstract of no more than 100 words, which summarizes your paper and highlights its main points. Abstracts longer than 100 words may prevent your paper from being reviewed or accepted.
Break the paper up into sections using topic titles that are on separate lines, bolded and in capital letters. Provide quotes that are attributed to someone using separate lines and indented.
It is helpful to the reader to end the paper with a conclusion or summary.
Authors are expected to use citations when referencing other publications. References to poets, authors, scientists, historical works, as well as scientific, mathematical, or economics terms that may or may not be known to the general public should be referenced as endnotes, not footnotes. References to website links are best handled as an endnote and not in the main body of the paper.
Use the Microsoft Word “insert endnote” function, if possible, to number endnotes as sequential superscripts. Care should be taken to acknowledge ideas, quotations and other sources that inspired your ideas. See referencing examples below for more specific information.
When making a citation as an endnote, it is often wise to name the author or authors in the text as well. Place the attribution at the end of the thought or quote or book or article title in the body of your text. When citing a website, name the website in the text but put the URL in an endnote and the date you accessed the website. When you will use a website link to point to an article, see the topic “Other” listed below for an example.
List bibliography references alphabetically at the end of the paper under the heading “References.”
Examples of referencing style to be used:
Durckheim, Karlfried Graf. The Way of Transformation. Daily Life as Spiritual Exercise. Allen and Unwin, London, 1988.
Format: Author’s last name, first name. Title. Name of publisher Place of publication, year of publication. (And, if you want, cite specific pages as: 87-90.)
Erhard W, Jensen M, Zaffron S and Granger K. Creating Leaders: An Ontological/Phenomenological Model. Eds. Snook S, Nohria N and Khurana R. The Handbook for Teaching Leadership: Knowing, Doing, and Being. Sage Publications, California, 2012, 245-262.
Format: Author or Authors’ last name first name initial. Title of monograh, editors, if named: Title of Publication, Name of publisher, Place of publication Year of publication, page numbers if applicable.
Nabavi M and Manboub R. A Movement to Belong: The Green Movement as a Site of Citizenship. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies. 2013. 3(1):464-474.
Format: Author/s’ last name first name initial. Title of Article. Name of publication year of publication, volume number, issue number, page numbers.
Government Documents:
World Health Organization Unsafe Abortion: Global and Regional Estimates of the Incidence of Unsafe Abortion and Associated Mortality in 2003, 5th Edition, 2007.
Format: Name of agency, Title of Publication, Year of Publication, page numbers if applicable.
Erhard W, Jensen MC, Zaffron S and Granger KL. Introductory Reading for Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological Model. 2010. http:/ssrn.com/abstract =1585976 accessed Nov. 10, 2010.
Format: Author/s’ last name first name initial. Title of Article. Year of publication. Web address (URL) plus the phrase “accessed” and then the date accessed.
Notification of Acceptance
Authors will be notified of accepted papers by November 18, 2023. Many acceptances will be conditional upon a successful rewrite, based on suggestions by the editorial team. Accepted submissions are then edited by a proofreading team prior to publication in the Journal of the Conference for Global Transformation in order to conform to AP Manual of Style guidelines.
Awards and Presentation
The editorial team will nominate three top papers and invite the authors to present their papers in a joint workshop at the 2024 conference. An Editor’s Choice Award for Best Paper will be presented on the last day of the conference.