Call for Papers and
Other Contributions
2021 Conference Theme
Registering Accomplishment
What’s Possible Now?
I am honored to co-author this Call for Papers. Over the past several years, as a direct result of being involved in this community, I have become deeply engaged in creating a new paradigm in the world of mental health. Working to fulfill this commitment, while it is not nearly complete, has made a difference and left me in a new world with new problems and new openings to act.
Two years ago, I took on the transformation of our conversations about mental health; today I am someone who is recognized and sought after for that contribution. I am challenged daily both in being with the current state of the world and being with the progress of my commitment. Pretending I like everything that is happening glosses over what is not working. And while certain things are not working, real work has been accomplished that is worth noting, even celebrating.
Accomplishment, when not ignored or discounted, calls for new language, new listening, and new actions. What we say about what has happened has consequences. We could use where we have fallen short as an excuse for stopping, or we could notice, by registering the accomplishment, that we now have even greater openings to act. In registering accomplishment, we become available to see things we were not able to see and say things we were not able to say; we have new opportunities to play, to add existence and membership, and to restore and create integrity.
This year we invite you to submit a paper, poster, Report from the Field, breakout session or artwork based on your experience living in the world where the commitments you have created are alive, unfolding and developing. Ideal topics are those that acknowledge, celebrate, and strengthen your creations, as well as share the possibilities and futures you can now see and develop.
We invite you to submit a paper, poster, Report from the Field, or breakout session based on what you have experienced and discovered. Ideal topics are those that inform, provide opportunities for insight, and strengthen our ability to make a difference as individuals, as groups and communities.
— Fred Moss, MD