Submissions are due by October 1, 2023.
Workshops, typically led by one or two people, are intended to have people inquire into topics related to the theme of the conference as expressed in the Call for Papers & Contributions. Successful sessions tend to provide access to new contexts, thinking, ideas, practices and performance regarding matters the session leaders and participants care about, are committed to, or wish to make real in the world.
A workshop can also be a panel of three or more people giving short presentations on topics related to the theme of the conference as expressed in the Call for Papers & Contributions. The presentations may be followed by questions, discussion or inquiry.
Each workshop presenter must be a Wisdom Unlimited graduate who has attended the Conference for Global Transformation as a registered participant at least once. Presenters (and all co-presenters) must be registered for the conference before submitting a workshop proposal and must accept and abide by the agreements listed on this worksheet and submission form.
Worksheet and Submission
Open the worksheet using the link below, then download a copy from its file menu. Use the worksheet to prepare your proposal before you submit it online. The worksheet has all the fields from the online form as well as guidelines and examples. We suggest using it so you have all the information you need ready to paste or enter into the online submission form. Submit your proposal by following the link below.
We select workshops based on your submission so please provide enough detail so we are clear how you intend to use the hour-long workshop. We need more information than just the concept of what you are thinking of doing. Please provide a timeline, including material you intend to present, questions you will ask, how you will engage the participants, and anything else you would like us to know. Incomplete workshop submissions may be sent back and will not be considered for inclusion in the program until complete.
If you would like support preparing your proposal before the submission deadline, please email cgtcontent@wisdomcoursearea.com. There is a place on the submission form to indicate if you would like support if your proposal is accepted.
Notification of Acceptance
You will be advised whether your workshop is accepted by November 18, 2023.
Submissions are due by October 1, 2023, for the 2024 workshops.
If you want to contact us, our email is cgtcontent@wisdomcoursearea.com.