Wisdom Unlimited

A Landmark Wisdom Course

Wisdom Unlimited explores the possibilities of untold joy available for the living of your whole life, and that maybe anything else is just a mistake, an oversight, that’s easily corrected.

In this investigation over five weekends, we bring together the dimensions of vision, commitment, and play, for a great life. A life that contributes to all of humanity.

View the new Wisdom Unlimited brochure

View the new video brochure for Wisdom Unlimited

Curious about the Wisdom Course?

The Hidden Alternative, a complementary offering, is designed to give a real glimpse of what is possible in the Wisdom Unlimited Course. Learn more


Join a Community Gathering to participate directly in The Wisdom Unlimited Course, exploring key aspects of the course in a social, community setting. Find dates

Program Logistics

The Wisdom Unlimited Course takes place during five weekends spread out over a number of months and a completion session. Between the five weekends of this course, participants gather in small, self-selected groups to work on assigned coursework together. Each session explores a different aspect of how we relate to our own growth, development, and what we can create for ourselves. We then explore how this has impact on the communities in which we live, work, and play.

The five weekends are Friday through Sunday, and Saturday includes a Community Gathering – an opportunity to have your friends and family join you for a portion of the Wisdom Course. Everyone (15 and older) is welcome to attend Wisdom Community Gatherings. Find out more.


Courses in Progress (2024-2025) Upcoming Courses (2025-2026)


Europe: Participants gather online, connected by video conference with the Wisdom Course Leader and other Facilitator-hosted groups.

Wisdom for Elders: This tailored Wisdom Unlimited Course for elders (those 65 and older) is an opportunity to explore the possibility of the legacy you are contributing as an elder.

Wisdom for the Arts: This tailored Wisdom Unlimited Course for artists of all mediums and creative self-expressions, is an exploration of art as a possibility, as a contribution, and as a self-expression. Perhaps art is an access to all of life working.